What We Do — Emergency Preparedness Institute New England

The Emergency Preparedness Institute is a Massachusetts 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation organized to extend educational and medical support to, and improve the general health of communities in need worldwide. We accomplish this by

  • providing educational programs specific to the needs of emergency responders; and
  • providing medical training to identified communities in need worldwide.

Classes, programs, consultative services, and other activities are conducted on an ongoing and as needed basis for the benefit of a variety of individuals, agencies, and organizations. EPI routinely collaborates with emergency managers, hospitals, the law enforcement community, fire/rescue services, EMS, aeromedical services, and volunteer groups to include the Boston Athletic Association, Medical Reserve Corps and The Boys Scouts of America. In addition, we meet the medical educational needs of various local community organizations to include schools, hospitals, businesses, and ski patrols.